Quote probleem....

Hulp nodig bij een modificaties of op zoek naar een MOD? Bekijk ons archief. Support wordt helaas niet meer verleend.

Sinds 1 januari 2009 wordt phpBB2 niet meer ondersteund.
Onderstaande informatie is verouderd en dient uitsluitend als archief.
Berichten: 60
Lid geworden op: 07 dec 2002, 19:54

Quote probleem....

Bericht door supermario » 07 dec 2002, 20:15


ik heb het volgende (standaard???) probleem dat ik graag opgelost wil zien worden !!

gebruik een phpBB 2.0.3 forum...

Als er nu een keer gequote wordt is er niets aan de hand , dat gaat goed..
wordt die reply nu weer gequote... dan is het antwoord in de vorm van :
tweede persoon schreef:
eerste persoon schreef:dit is niet de bedoeling
nee niet echt handig dit !
en de bedoeling is dat alleen het antwoord gequote wordt en niet de voorgaande quote ook !

ik weet dat er daarvoor een mod is aangezien ik die zelf ook gebruikt heb... maar nu istie dus weg.. en ik heb hem niet meer...
kan hem ook niet meer ergens vinden.. weet iemand waar ik hem kan vinden ??
Gaarne hulp ! :)


Berichten: 551
Lid geworden op: 17 nov 2002, 22:30
Locatie: Nieuw Vennep

Bericht door .::Neo::. » 07 dec 2002, 20:18

Berichten: 60
Lid geworden op: 07 dec 2002, 19:54

Bericht door supermario » 07 dec 2002, 20:20


al gezocht..

maar mijn engels is niet goed (of gewoon slecht ;))
denk dat ik er overheen kijk.... :(

Berichten: 1361
Lid geworden op: 21 dec 2002, 23:08

Bericht door Spikey » 07 dec 2002, 22:06

Ik ben wezen kijken/zoeken op phpbb.com en pnpbbhacks.com maar kon niet vinden wat jij zoekt.

Ik heb er ook nog nooit van gehoord, weet je wel zeker dat er een mod voor bestaat, hoe lang geleden heb je die gebruikt en met welke versie van phpbb.
gr. Spikey

Geen support via pb, email, msn, uw vragen worden niet beantwoord !

Berichten: 60
Lid geworden op: 07 dec 2002, 19:54

Bericht door supermario » 08 dec 2002, 03:13

Spikey schreef:Ik ben wezen kijken/zoeken op phpbb.com en pnpbbhacks.com maar kon niet vinden wat jij zoekt.

Ik heb er ook nog nooit van gehoord, weet je wel zeker dat er een mod voor bestaat, hoe lang geleden heb je die gebruikt en met welke versie van phpbb.
hij zit in mijn eigen forum..
versie 2.0.2.
Ik heb die mod zelf dus niet meer... maar voor een collega forum zoek ik hem...
dus zeker weten dattie der is .. JUP ! ;)

Berichten: 1361
Lid geworden op: 21 dec 2002, 23:08

Bericht door Spikey » 08 dec 2002, 11:43

Ik vermoedt dat er dan wijzigingen zijn gemaakt in /posting.php

Als je het origineel nog hebt als backup, dan kun je misschien de verschillen eruit halen.

Of je geeft posting.php aan je collega-forum en die probeert het ff uit, misschien werkt het :?:

Ik wil het ook voor je testen als je dat liever hebt, stuur het bestand dan met een mailtje naar me toe.
gr. Spikey

Geen support via pb, email, msn, uw vragen worden niet beantwoord !

Berichten: 60
Lid geworden op: 07 dec 2002, 19:54

Bericht door supermario » 08 dec 2002, 16:49

Spikey schreef:Ik vermoedt dat er dan wijzigingen zijn gemaakt in /posting.php

Als je het origineel nog hebt als backup, dan kun je misschien de verschillen eruit halen.

Of je geeft posting.php aan je collega-forum en die probeert het ff uit, misschien werkt het :?:

Ik wil het ook voor je testen als je dat liever hebt, stuur het bestand dan met een mailtje naar me toe.
klopt die wijzigingen zitten inderdaad in posting.php aangezien die het wel goed doet als ik dat bestandje upload..
alleen zitten er in mijn eigen posting.php dus meer mods in, en geeftie na replyen een fout melding... :(

hier is mijn posting.php

Code: Selecteer alles

 *                                posting.php
 *                            -------------------
 *   begin                : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
 *   copyright            : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
 *   email                : support@phpbb.com
 *   $Id: posting.php,v 2002/05/19 15:11:17 psotfx Exp $

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = './';
include($phpbb_root_path . 'extension.inc');
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.'.$phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.'.$phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_post.'.$phpEx);

function top_smilies($message)
	global $db, $board_config;

	$sql = "SELECT code, smilies_id, smile_stat

	if( !$result = $db->sql_query($sql) )
		message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't obtain smilies data", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
	$smile = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result);

	for ($i = 0; $i < count($smile); $i++)
		if ($count_smile = preg_match_all ("/(?<=.\\W|\\W.|^\\W)" . phpbb_preg_quote($smile[$i]['code'], "/") . "(?=.\\W|\\W.|\\W$)/", ' ' . $message . ' ', $tmp_smile))
			$smilie_usage = $smile[$i]['smile_stat'] + $count_smile;
			$sql = "UPDATE " . SMILIES_TABLE . "
			SET smile_stat = $smilie_usage
			WHERE smilies_id = " . $smile[$i]['smilies_id'];

			if( !$result = $db->sql_query($sql) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't update smilies data", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

// Check and set various parameters
$params = array('submit' => 'post', 'confirm' => 'confirm', 'preview' => 'preview', 'delete' => 'delete', 'poll_delete' => 'poll_delete', 'poll_add' => 'add_poll_option', 'poll_edit' => 'edit_poll_option', 'mode' => 'mode');
while( list($var, $param) = @each($params) )
	if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS[$param]) )
		$$var = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS[$param] : $HTTP_GET_VARS[$param];
		$$var = '';

$params = array('forum_id' => POST_FORUM_URL, 'topic_id' => POST_TOPIC_URL, 'post_id' => POST_POST_URL);
while( list($var, $param) = @each($params) )
	if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS[$param]) )
		$$var = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]) ) ? intval($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]) : intval($HTTP_GET_VARS[$param]);
		$$var = '';

$refresh = $preview || $poll_add || $poll_edit || $poll_delete;

// Set topic type
$topic_type = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['topictype']) ) ? intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['topictype']) : POST_NORMAL;

// If the mode is set to topic review then output
// that review ...
if ( $mode == 'topicreview' )
	require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/topic_review.'.$phpEx);

	topic_review($topic_id, false);
else if ( $mode == 'smilies' )
	generate_smilies('window', PAGE_POSTING);

// Start session management
$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_POSTING);
// End session management

// Was cancel pressed? If so then redirect to the appropriate
// page, no point in continuing with any further checks
if ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cancel']) )
	if ( $post_id )
		$redirect = "viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_POST_URL . "=$post_id";
		$post_append = "#$post_id";
	else if ( $topic_id )
		$redirect = "viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id";
		$post_append = '';
	else if ( $forum_id )
		$redirect = "viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id";
		$post_append = '';
		$redirect = "index.$phpEx";
		$post_append = '';

	$header_location = ( @preg_match('/Microsoft|WebSTAR|Xitami/', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')) ) ? 'Refresh: 0; URL=' : 'Location: ';
	header($header_location . append_sid($redirect, true) . $post_append);

// What auth type do we need to check?
$is_auth = array();
switch( $mode )
	case 'newtopic':
	  if ( $topic_type == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE )
      $is_auth_type = 'auth_globalannounce'; 
    else if ( $topic_type == POST_ANNOUNCE )
			$is_auth_type = 'auth_announce';
		else if ( $topic_type == POST_STICKY )
			$is_auth_type = 'auth_sticky';
			$is_auth_type = 'auth_post';
	case 'reply':
	case 'quote':
		$is_auth_type = 'auth_reply';
	case 'editpost':
		$is_auth_type = 'auth_edit';
	case 'delete':
	case 'poll_delete':
		$is_auth_type = 'auth_delete';
	case 'vote':
		$is_auth_type = 'auth_vote';
	case 'topicreview':
		$is_auth_type = 'auth_read';
		message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['No_post_mode']);

// Here we do various lookups to find topic_id, forum_id, post_id etc.
// Doing it here prevents spoofing (eg. faking forum_id, topic_id or post_id
$error_msg = '';
$post_data = array();
switch ( $mode )
	case 'newtopic':
		if ( empty($forum_id) )
			message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Forum_not_exist']);

		$sql = "SELECT * 
			WHERE forum_id = $forum_id";

	case 'reply':
	case 'vote':
		if ( empty( $topic_id) )
			message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['No_topic_id']);

		$sql = "SELECT f.*, t.topic_status  
			FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f, " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t
			WHERE t.topic_id = $topic_id
				AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id";

	case 'quote':
	case 'editpost':
	case 'delete':
	case 'poll_delete':
		if ( empty($post_id) )
			message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['No_post_id']);

		$select_sql = ( !$submit ) ? ", t.topic_title, p.enable_bbcode, p.enable_html, p.enable_smilies, p.enable_sig, p.post_username, pt.post_subject, pt.post_text, pt.bbcode_uid, u.username, u.user_id, u.user_sig" : '';
		$from_sql = ( !$submit ) ? ", " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt, " . USERS_TABLE . " u" : '';
		$where_sql = ( !$submit ) ? "AND pt.post_id = p.post_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id" : '';

		$sql = "SELECT f.*, t.topic_id, t.topic_status, t.topic_type, t.topic_first_post_id, t.topic_last_post_id, t.topic_vote, p.post_id, p.poster_id" . $select_sql . " 
			FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f" . $from_sql . " 
			WHERE p.post_id = $post_id 
				AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id 
				AND f.forum_id = p.forum_id

		message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['No_valid_mode']);

if ( $result = $db->sql_query($sql) )
	$post_info = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

	$forum_id = $post_info['forum_id'];
	$forum_name = $post_info['forum_name'];

	$is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $forum_id, $userdata, $post_info);

   // Topic Lock/Unlock 
   $lock = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['lock']) ) ? TRUE : FALSE; 
   $unlock = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['unlock']) ) ? TRUE : FALSE; 
   if ( ($submit || $confirm) && ($lock || $unlock) && ($is_auth['auth_mod']) && ($mode != 'newtopic') && (!$refresh) ) 
      $t_id = ( !isset($post_info['topic_id']) ) ? $topic_id : $post_info['topic_id']; 

      if ( $unlock ) 
         $sql = "UPDATE " . TOPICS_TABLE . " 
         SET topic_status = " . TOPIC_UNLOCKED . " 
         WHERE topic_id = " . $t_id . " 
         AND topic_moved_id = 0"; 
      else if ($lock) 
         $sql = "UPDATE " . TOPICS_TABLE . " 
         SET topic_status = " . TOPIC_LOCKED . " 
         WHERE topic_id = " . $t_id . " 
         AND topic_moved_id = 0"; 

      if ($lock || $unlock) 
         if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) 
            message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update topics table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); 

	if ( $post_info['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) 
	   message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Forum_locked']); 
	else if ( $mode != 'newtopic' && $post_info['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) 
	   message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Topic_locked']); 

	if ( $mode == 'editpost' || $mode == 'delete' || $mode == 'poll_delete' )
		$topic_id = $post_info['topic_id'];

		$post_data['poster_post'] = ( $post_info['poster_id'] == $userdata['user_id'] ) ? true : false;
		$post_data['first_post'] = ( $post_info['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id ) ? true : false;
		$post_data['last_post'] = ( $post_info['topic_last_post_id'] == $post_id ) ? true : false;
		$post_data['last_topic'] = ( $post_info['forum_last_post_id'] == $post_id ) ? true : false;
		$post_data['has_poll'] = ( $post_info['topic_vote'] ) ? true : false; 
		$post_data['topic_type'] = $post_info['topic_type'];
		$post_data['poster_id'] = $post_info['poster_id'];

		if ( $post_data['first_post'] && $post_data['has_poll'] )
			$sql = "SELECT * 
				FROM " . VOTE_DESC_TABLE . " vd, " . VOTE_RESULTS_TABLE . " vr 
				WHERE vd.topic_id = $topic_id 
					AND vr.vote_id = vd.vote_id 
				ORDER BY vr.vote_option_id";
			if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain vote data for this topic', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

			$poll_options = array();
			$poll_results_sum = 0;
			if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
				$poll_title = $row['vote_text'];
				$poll_id = $row['vote_id'];
				$poll_length = $row['vote_length'] / 86400;

					$poll_options[$row['vote_option_id']] = $row['vote_option_text']; 
					$poll_results_sum += $row['vote_result'];
				while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) );

			$post_data['edit_poll'] = ( ( !$poll_results_sum || $is_auth['auth_mod'] ) && $post_data['first_post'] ) ? true : 0;
			$post_data['edit_poll'] = false;
		// Can this user edit/delete the post/poll?
		if ( $post_info['poster_id'] != $userdata['user_id'] && !$is_auth['auth_mod'] )
			$message = ( $delete || $mode == 'delete' ) ? $lang['Delete_own_posts'] : $lang['Edit_own_posts'];
			$message .= '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['Click_return_topic'], '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id") . '">', '</a>');

			message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
		else if ( !$post_data['last_post'] && !$is_auth['auth_mod'] && ( $mode == 'delete' || $delete ) )
			message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Cannot_delete_replied']);
		else if ( !$post_data['edit_poll'] && !$is_auth['auth_mod'] && ( $mode == 'poll_delete' || $poll_delete ) )
			message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Cannot_delete_poll']);
		if ( $mode == 'quote' )
			$topic_id = $post_info['topic_id'];

		$post_data['first_post'] = ( $mode == 'newtopic' ) ? true : 0;
		$post_data['last_post'] = false;
		$post_data['has_poll'] = false;
		$post_data['edit_poll'] = false;
	message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['No_such_post']);

// The user is not authed, if they're not logged in then redirect
// them, else show them an error message
if ( !$is_auth[$is_auth_type] )
	if ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] )
		message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, sprintf($lang['Sorry_' . $is_auth_type], $is_auth[$is_auth_type . "_type"]));

	switch( $mode )
		case 'newtopic':
			$redirect = "mode=newtopic&" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=" . $forum_id;
		case 'reply':
		case 'topicreview':
			$redirect = "mode=reply&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id;
		case 'quote':
		case 'editpost':
			$redirect = "mode=quote&" . POST_POST_URL ."=" . $post_id;

	$header_location = ( @preg_match('/Microsoft|WebSTAR|Xitami/', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')) ) ? 'Refresh: 0; URL=' : 'Location: ';
	header($header_location . append_sid("login.$phpEx?redirect=posting.$phpEx&" . $redirect, true));

// Set toggles for various options
if ( !$board_config['allow_html'] )
	$html_on = 0;
	$html_on = ( $submit || $refresh ) ? ( ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['disable_html']) ) ? 0 : TRUE ) : ( ( $userdata['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS ) ? $board_config['allow_html'] : $userdata['user_allowhtml'] );

if ( !$board_config['allow_bbcode'] )
	$bbcode_on = 0;
	$bbcode_on = ( $submit || $refresh ) ? ( ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['disable_bbcode']) ) ? 0 : TRUE ) : ( ( $userdata['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS ) ? $board_config['allow_bbcode'] : $userdata['user_allowbbcode'] );

if ( !$board_config['allow_smilies'] )
	$smilies_on = 0;
	$smilies_on = ( $submit || $refresh ) ? ( ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['disable_smilies']) ) ? 0 : TRUE ) : ( ( $userdata['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS ) ? $board_config['allow_smilies'] : $userdata['user_allowsmile'] );

if ( $submit || $refresh )
	$notify_user = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['notify']) ) ? TRUE : 0;
	if ( $mode != 'newtopic' && $userdata['session_logged_in'] )
		$sql = "SELECT topic_id 
			WHERE topic_id = $topic_id 
				AND user_id = " . $userdata['user_id'];
		if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain topic watch information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

		$notify_user = ( $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) ? TRUE : $userdata['user_notify'];
		$notify_user = ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? $userdata['user_notify'] : 0;

$attach_sig = ( $submit || $refresh ) ? ( ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['attach_sig']) ) ? TRUE : 0 ) : ( ( $userdata['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS ) ? 0 : $userdata['user_attachsig'] );

// --------------------
//  What shall we do?
if ( ( $delete || $poll_delete || $mode == 'delete' ) && !$confirm )
	// Confirm deletion
	$s_hidden_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="' . POST_POST_URL . '" value="' . $post_id . '" />';
	$s_hidden_fields .= ( $delete || $mode == "delete" ) ? '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="delete" />' : '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="poll_delete" />';

	$l_confirm = ( $delete || $mode == 'delete' ) ? $lang['Confirm_delete'] : $lang['Confirm_delete_poll'];

	// Output confirmation page
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx);

		'confirm_body' => 'confirm_body.tpl')

		'MESSAGE_TITLE' => $lang['Information'],
		'MESSAGE_TEXT' => $l_confirm,

		'L_YES' => $lang['Yes'],
		'L_NO' => $lang['No'],

		'S_CONFIRM_ACTION' => append_sid("posting.$phpEx"),
		'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields)


	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx);
else if ( $mode == 'vote' )
	// Vote in a poll
	if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['vote_id']) )
		$vote_option_id = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['vote_id']);

		$sql = "SELECT vd.vote_id    
			WHERE vd.topic_id = $topic_id 
				AND vr.vote_id = vd.vote_id 
				AND vr.vote_option_id = $vote_option_id
			GROUP BY vd.vote_id";
		if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain vote data for this topic', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

		if ( $vote_info = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
			$vote_id = $vote_info['vote_id'];

			$sql = "SELECT * 
				WHERE vote_id = $vote_id 
					AND vote_user_id = " . $userdata['user_id'];
			if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain user vote data for this topic', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

			if ( !($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) )
				$sql = "UPDATE " . VOTE_RESULTS_TABLE . " 
					SET vote_result = vote_result + 1 
					WHERE vote_id = $vote_id 
						AND vote_option_id = $vote_option_id";
				if ( !$db->sql_query($sql, BEGIN_TRANSACTION) )
					message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update poll result', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

				$sql = "INSERT INTO " . VOTE_USERS_TABLE . " (vote_id, vote_user_id, vote_user_ip, vote_cast) 
					VALUES ($vote_id, " . $userdata['user_id'] . ", '$user_ip', $vote_option_id)";
				if ( !$db->sql_query($sql, END_TRANSACTION) )
					message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not insert user_id for poll", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

				$message = $lang['Vote_cast'];
				$message = $lang['Already_voted'];
			$message = $lang['No_vote_option'];

			'META' => '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id") . '">')
		$message .=  '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['Click_view_message'], '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id") . '">', '</a>');
		message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
else if ( $submit || $confirm )
	// Submit post/vote (newtopic, edit, reply, etc.)
	$return_message = '';
	$return_meta = '';

	switch ( $mode )
		case 'editpost':
		case 'newtopic':
		case 'reply':
			$username = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['username']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['username'] : '';
			$subject = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['subject']) ) ? trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['subject']) : '';
			$message = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['message']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['message'] : '';
			$poll_title = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_title']) && $is_auth['auth_pollcreate'] ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_title'] : '';
			$poll_options = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_option_text']) && $is_auth['auth_pollcreate'] ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_option_text'] : '';
			$poll_length = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_length']) && $is_auth['auth_pollcreate'] ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_length'] : '';
			$bbcode_uid = '';

			prepare_post($mode, $post_data, $bbcode_on, $html_on, $smilies_on, $error_msg, $username, $bbcode_uid, $subject, $message, $poll_title, $poll_options, $poll_length);

			if ( $error_msg == '' )
				//$topic_type = ( $topic_type != $post_data['topic_type'] && !$is_auth['auth_sticky'] && !$is_auth['auth_announce'] ) ? $post_data['topic_type'] : $topic_type;
        $topic_type = ( $topic_type != $post_data['topic_type'] && !$is_auth['auth_sticky'] && !$is_auth['auth_announce'] && !$is_auth['auth_globalannounce'] ) ? $post_data['topic_type'] : $topic_type;
				submit_post($mode, $post_data, $return_message, $return_meta, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $poll_id, $topic_type, $bbcode_on, $html_on, $smilies_on, $attach_sig, $bbcode_uid, str_replace("\'", "''", $username), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject), str_replace("\'", "''", $message), str_replace("\'", "''", $poll_title), $poll_options, $poll_length);

        if ( $error_msg == '' )
					user_notification($mode, $post_data, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $notify_user);
if ( ( $error_msg == '' ) && ( $lock ) && ( $mode == 'newtopic' ) ) 
            $sql = "UPDATE " . TOPICS_TABLE . " 
            SET topic_status = " . TOPIC_LOCKED . " 
            WHERE topic_id = " . $topic_id . " 
            AND topic_moved_id = 0"; 

            if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) 
               message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update topics table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); 
					if( $mode != "editpost" )

		case 'delete':
		case 'poll_delete':
			delete_post($mode, $post_data, $return_message, $return_meta, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $poll_id);

	if ( $error_msg == '' )
		if ( $mode != 'editpost' )
			$user_id = ( $mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'newtopic' ) ? $userdata['user_id'] : $post_data['poster_id'];
			update_post_stats($mode, $post_data, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $user_id);

		if ( $mode == 'newtopic' || $mode == 'reply' )
			$tracking_topics = ( !empty($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) ) ? unserialize($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) : array();
			$tracking_forums = ( !empty($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) ) ? unserialize($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) : array();

			if ( count($tracking_topics) + count($tracking_forums) == 100 && empty($tracking_topics[$topic_id]) )

			$tracking_topics[$topic_id] = time();

			setcookie($board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t', serialize($tracking_topics), 0, $board_config['cookie_path'], $board_config['cookie_domain'], $board_config['cookie_secure']);

			'META' => $return_meta)
		message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $return_message);

if( $refresh || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['del_poll_option']) || $error_msg != '' )
	$username = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['username']) ) ? htmlspecialchars(trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['username']))) : '';
	$subject = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['subject']) ) ? htmlspecialchars(trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['subject']))) : '';
	$message = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['message']) ) ? htmlspecialchars(trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['message']))) : '';

	$poll_title = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_title']) ) ? htmlspecialchars(trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_title']))) : '';
	$poll_length = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_length']) ) ? max(0, intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_length'])) : 0;

	$poll_options = array();
	if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_option_text']) )
		while( list($option_id, $option_text) = @each($HTTP_POST_VARS['poll_option_text']) )
			if( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['del_poll_option'][$option_id]) )
			else if ( !empty($option_text) ) 
				$poll_options[$option_id] = htmlspecialchars(trim(stripslashes($option_text)));

	if ( isset($poll_add) && !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['add_poll_option_text']) )
		$poll_options[] = htmlspecialchars(trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['add_poll_option_text'])));

	if ( $mode == 'newtopic' || $mode == 'reply')
		$user_sig = ( $userdata['user_sig'] != '' && $board_config['allow_sig'] ) ? $userdata['user_sig'] : '';
	else if ( $mode == 'editpost' )
		$user_sig = ( $post_info['user_sig'] != '' && $board_config['allow_sig'] ) ? $post_info['user_sig'] : '';
	if( $preview )
		$orig_word = array();
		$replacement_word = array();
		obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replacement_word);

		$bbcode_uid = ( $bbcode_on ) ? make_bbcode_uid() : '';
		$preview_message = stripslashes(prepare_message(addslashes(unprepare_message($message)), $html_on, $bbcode_on, $smilies_on, $bbcode_uid));
		$preview_subject = $subject;
		$preview_username = $username;

		// Finalise processing as per viewtopic
		if( !$html_on )
			if( $user_sig != '' || !$userdata['user_allowhtml'] )
				$user_sig = preg_replace('#(<)([\/]?.*?)(>)#is', '<\2>', $user_sig);

		if( $attach_sig && $user_sig != '' && $userdata['user_sig_bbcode_uid'] )
			$user_sig = bbencode_second_pass($user_sig, $userdata['user_sig_bbcode_uid']);

		if( $bbcode_on )
			$preview_message = bbencode_second_pass($preview_message, $bbcode_uid);

		if( !empty($orig_word) )
			$preview_username = ( !empty($username) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_username) : '';
			$preview_subject = ( !empty($subject) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_subject) : '';
			$preview_message = ( !empty($preview_message) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_message) : '';

		if( $user_sig != '' )
			$user_sig = make_clickable($user_sig);
		$preview_message = make_clickable($preview_message);

		if( $smilies_on )
			if( $userdata['user_allowsmile'] && $user_sig != '' )
				$user_sig = smilies_pass($user_sig);

			$preview_message = smilies_pass($preview_message);

		if( $attach_sig && $user_sig != '' )
			$preview_message = $preview_message . '<br /><br />_________________<br />' . $user_sig;

		$preview_message = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $preview_message);

			'preview' => 'posting_preview.tpl')

			'TOPIC_TITLE' => $preview_subject,
			'POST_SUBJECT' => $preview_subject,
			'POSTER_NAME' => $preview_username,
			'POST_DATE' => create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], time(), $board_config['board_timezone']),
			'MESSAGE' => $preview_message,

			'L_POST_SUBJECT' => $lang['Post_subject'], 
			'L_PREVIEW' => $lang['Preview'],
			'L_POSTED' => $lang['Posted'], 
			'L_POST' => $lang['Post'])
		$template->assign_var_from_handle('POST_PREVIEW_BOX', 'preview');
	else if( $error_msg != '' )
			'reg_header' => 'error_body.tpl')
			'ERROR_MESSAGE' => $error_msg)
		$template->assign_var_from_handle('ERROR_BOX', 'reg_header');
	// User default entry point
	if ( $mode == 'newtopic' )
		$user_sig = ( $userdata['user_sig'] != '' ) ? $userdata['user_sig'] : '';

		$username = ($userdata['session_logged_in']) ? $userdata['username'] : '';
		$poll_title = '';
		$poll_length = '';
		$subject = '';
		$message = '';
	else if ( $mode == 'reply' )
		$user_sig = ( $userdata['user_sig'] != '' ) ? $userdata['user_sig'] : '';

		$username = ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? $userdata['username'] : '';
		$subject = '';
		$message = '';

	else if ( $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'editpost' )
		$subject = ( $post_data['first_post'] ) ? $post_info['topic_title'] : $post_info['post_subject'];
		$message = $post_info['post_text'];

		if ( $mode == 'editpost' )
			$attach_sig = ( $post_info['enable_sig'] && $post_info['user_sig'] != '' ) ? TRUE : 0; 
			$user_sig = $post_info['user_sig'];

			$html_on = ( $post_info['enable_html'] ) ? true : false;
			$bbcode_on = ( $post_info['enable_bbcode'] ) ? true : false;
			$smilies_on = ( $post_info['enable_smilies'] ) ? true : false;
			$attach_sig = ( $userdata['user_attachsig'] ) ? TRUE : 0;
			$user_sig = $userdata['user_sig'];

		if ( $post_info['bbcode_uid'] != '' )
			$message = preg_replace('/\:(([a-z0-9]:)?)' . $post_info['bbcode_uid'] . '/s', '', $message);

		$message = str_replace('<', '<', $message);
		$message = str_replace('>', '>', $message);
		$message = str_replace('<br />', "\n", $message);

		if ( $mode == 'quote' )
			$orig_word = array();
			$replacement_word = array();
			obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replace_word);

			$msg_date =  create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $postrow['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']);
      //QUOTE MOD
			//$quote_username = ( !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : $post_info['username'];
			//$message = '[quote="' . $quote_username . '"]' . $message . '[/quote]';

      $quote_username = ( !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : $post_info['username']; 
        $message = preg_replace('/(\[quote=(.*?)\]((.|\n)*)\[\/quote\])/si',"",$message); 
      $message = '[quote="' . $quote_username . '"]' . $message . '[/quote]';

			if ( !empty($orig_word) )
				$subject = ( !empty($subject) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $subject) : '';
				$message = ( !empty($message) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $message) : '';

			if ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $subject) && strlen($subject) > 0 )
				$subject = 'Re: ' . $subject;

			$mode = 'reply';
			$username = ( $post_info['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS && !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : '';

// Signature toggle selection
if( $user_sig != '' )
	$template->assign_block_vars('switch_signature_checkbox', array());

// HTML toggle selection
if ( $board_config['allow_html'] )
	$html_status = $lang['HTML_is_ON'];
	$template->assign_block_vars('switch_html_checkbox', array());
	$html_status = $lang['HTML_is_OFF'];

// BBCode toggle selection
if ( $board_config['allow_bbcode'] )
	$bbcode_status = $lang['BBCode_is_ON'];
	$template->assign_block_vars('switch_bbcode_checkbox', array());
	$bbcode_status = $lang['BBCode_is_OFF'];

// Smilies toggle selection
if ( $board_config['allow_smilies'] )
	$smilies_status = $lang['Smilies_are_ON'];
	$template->assign_block_vars('switch_smilies_checkbox', array());
	$smilies_status = $lang['Smilies_are_OFF'];

if( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] || ( $mode == 'editpost' && $post_info['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS ) )
	$template->assign_block_vars('switch_username_select', array());

// Notify checkbox - only show if user is logged in
if ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] )
	if ( $mode != 'editpost' || ( $mode == 'editpost' && $post_info['poster_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) )
		$template->assign_block_vars('switch_notify_checkbox', array());

// Delete selection
if ( $mode == 'editpost' && ( ( $is_auth['auth_delete'] && $post_data['last_post'] && ( !$post_data['has_poll'] || $post_data['edit_poll'] ) ) || $is_auth['auth_mod'] ) )
	$template->assign_block_vars('switch_delete_checkbox', array());
// Lock/Unlock topic selection 
if ( ( $mode == 'editpost' || $mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'newtopic' ) && ( $is_auth['auth_mod'] ) ) 
   if ( $post_info['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ) 
      $template->assign_block_vars('unlock_topic', array()); 

         'L_UNLOCK_TOPIC' => $lang['Unlock_topic'], 
         'S_UNLOCK_CHECKED' => ( $unlock ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') 
   else if ( $post_info['topic_status'] == TOPIC_UNLOCKED ) 
      $template->assign_block_vars('lock_topic', array()); 
         'L_LOCK_TOPIC' => $lang['Lock_topic'], 
         'S_LOCK_CHECKED' => ( $lock ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') 
// Topic type selection
$topic_type_toggle = '';
if ( $mode == 'newtopic' || ( $mode == 'editpost' && $post_data['first_post'] ) )
	$template->assign_block_vars('switch_type_toggle', array());

	if( $is_auth['auth_sticky'] )
		$topic_type_toggle .= '<input type="radio" name="topictype" value="' . POST_STICKY . '"';
		if ( $post_data['topic_type'] == POST_STICKY || $topic_type == POST_STICKY )
			$topic_type_toggle .= ' checked="checked"';
		$topic_type_toggle .= ' /> ' . $lang['Post_Sticky'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';

	if( $is_auth['auth_announce'] )
		$topic_type_toggle .= '<input type="radio" name="topictype" value="' . POST_ANNOUNCE . '"';
		if ( $post_data['topic_type'] == POST_ANNOUNCE || $topic_type == POST_ANNOUNCE )
			$topic_type_toggle .= ' checked="checked"';
		$topic_type_toggle .= ' /> ' . $lang['Post_Announcement'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';

  if( $is_auth['auth_globalannounce'] ) 
    $topic_type_toggle .= '<input type="radio" name="topictype" value="' . POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE . '"'; 
    if ( $post_data['topic_type'] == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE ) 
      $topic_type_toggle .= ' checked="checked"'; 
    $topic_type_toggle .= ' /> ' . $lang['Post_global_announcement'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'; 

	if ( $topic_type_toggle != '' )
		$topic_type_toggle = $lang['Post_topic_as'] . ': <input type="radio" name="topictype" value="' . POST_NORMAL .'"' . ( ( $post_data['topic_type'] == POST_NORMAL || $topic_type == POST_NORMAL ) ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ) . ' /> ' . $lang['Post_Normal'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $topic_type_toggle;

$hidden_form_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="' . $mode . '" />';

switch( $mode )
	case 'newtopic':
		$page_title = $lang['Post_a_new_topic'];
		$hidden_form_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . POST_FORUM_URL . '" value="' . $forum_id . '" />';

	case 'reply':
		$page_title = $lang['Post_a_reply'];
		$hidden_form_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . POST_TOPIC_URL . '" value="' . $topic_id . '" />';

	case 'editpost':
		$page_title = $lang['Edit_Post'];
		$hidden_form_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . POST_POST_URL . '" value="' . $post_id . '" />';

// Generate smilies listing for page output
generate_smilies('inline', PAGE_POSTING);

// Include page header
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx);

	'body' => 'posting_body.tpl', 
	'pollbody' => 'posting_poll_body.tpl', 
	'reviewbody' => 'posting_topic_review.tpl')

	'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_name,
	'L_POST_A' => $page_title,
	'L_POST_SUBJECT' => $lang['Post_subject'], 

	'U_VIEW_FORUM' => append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id"))

// This enables the forum/topic title to be output for posting
// but not for privmsg (where it makes no sense)
$template->assign_block_vars('switch_not_privmsg', array());

// Output the data to the template

	'USERNAME' => $username,
	'SUBJECT' => $subject,
	'MESSAGE' => $message,
	'HTML_STATUS' => $html_status,
	'BBCODE_STATUS' => sprintf($bbcode_status, '<a href="' . append_sid("faq.$phpEx?mode=bbcode") . '" target="_phpbbcode">', '</a>'), 
	'SMILIES_STATUS' => $smilies_status, 

	'L_SUBJECT' => $lang['Subject'],
	'L_MESSAGE_BODY' => $lang['Message_body'],
	'L_OPTIONS' => $lang['Options'],
	'L_PREVIEW' => $lang['Preview'],
	'L_SPELLCHECK' => $lang['Spellcheck'],
	'L_SUBMIT' => $lang['Submit'],
	'L_CANCEL' => $lang['Cancel'],
	'L_CONFIRM_DELETE' => $lang['Confirm_delete'],
	'L_DISABLE_HTML' => $lang['Disable_HTML_post'], 
	'L_DISABLE_BBCODE' => $lang['Disable_BBCode_post'], 
	'L_DISABLE_SMILIES' => $lang['Disable_Smilies_post'], 
	'L_ATTACH_SIGNATURE' => $lang['Attach_signature'], 
	'L_NOTIFY_ON_REPLY' => $lang['Notify'], 
	'L_DELETE_POST' => $lang['Delete_post'],

	'L_BBCODE_A_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_a_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_B_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_b_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_C_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_c_help'],
 	'L_BBCODE_D_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_d_help'],
  'L_BBCODE_E_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_e_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_F_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_f_help'],
  'L_BBCODE_G_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_g_help'], 
  'L_BBCODE_H_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_h_help'],
  'L_BBCODE_I_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_i_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_J_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_j_help'],
	'L_BBCODE_K_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_k_help'],
	'L_BBCODE_L_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_l_help'],
  'L_BBCODE_M_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_m_help'],
  'L_BBCODE_N_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_n_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_O_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_o_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_P_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_p_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_Q_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_q_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_R_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_r_help'],
	'L_BBCODE_S_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_s_help'],
  'L_BBCODE_T_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_t_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_U_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_u_help'], 
	'L_BBCODE_V_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_v_help'],
	'L_BBCODE_W_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_w_help'], 
  'L_BBCODE_X_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_x_help'],	
	'L_BBCODE_Y_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_y_help'],
	"L_BBCODE_Z_HELP" => $lang['bbcode_z_help'],
	'L_EMPTY_MESSAGE' => $lang['Empty_message'],

	'L_FONT_COLOR' => $lang['Font_color'], 
	'L_COLOR_DEFAULT' => $lang['color_default'], 
	'L_COLOR_DARK_RED' => $lang['color_dark_red'], 
	'L_COLOR_RED' => $lang['color_red'], 
	'L_COLOR_ORANGE' => $lang['color_orange'], 
	'L_COLOR_BROWN' => $lang['color_brown'], 
	'L_COLOR_YELLOW' => $lang['color_yellow'], 
	'L_COLOR_GREEN' => $lang['color_green'], 
	'L_COLOR_OLIVE' => $lang['color_olive'], 
	'L_COLOR_CYAN' => $lang['color_cyan'], 
	'L_COLOR_BLUE' => $lang['color_blue'], 
	'L_COLOR_DARK_BLUE' => $lang['color_dark_blue'], 
	'L_COLOR_INDIGO' => $lang['color_indigo'], 
	'L_COLOR_VIOLET' => $lang['color_violet'], 
	'L_COLOR_WHITE' => $lang['color_white'], 
	'L_COLOR_BLACK' => $lang['color_black'], 

	'L_FONT_SIZE' => $lang['Font_size'], 
	'L_FONT_TINY' => $lang['font_tiny'], 
	'L_FONT_SMALL' => $lang['font_small'], 
	'L_FONT_NORMAL' => $lang['font_normal'], 
	'L_FONT_LARGE' => $lang['font_large'], 
	'L_FONT_HUGE' => $lang['font_huge'], 

	'L_BBCODE_CLOSE_TAGS' => $lang['Close_Tags'], 
	'L_STYLES_TIP' => $lang['Styles_tip'], 

	'U_VIEWTOPIC' => ( $mode == 'reply' ) ? append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&postorder=desc") : '', 
	'U_REVIEW_TOPIC' => ( $mode == 'reply' ) ? append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=topicreview&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id") : '', 

	'S_HTML_CHECKED' => ( !$html_on ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 
	'S_BBCODE_CHECKED' => ( !$bbcode_on ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 
	'S_SMILIES_CHECKED' => ( !$smilies_on ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 
	'S_SIGNATURE_CHECKED' => ( $attach_sig ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 
	'S_NOTIFY_CHECKED' => ( $notify_user ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 
	'S_TYPE_TOGGLE' => $topic_type_toggle, 
	'S_TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 
	'S_POST_ACTION' => append_sid("posting.$phpEx"),
	'S_HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS' => $hidden_form_fields)

// Poll entry switch/output
if( ( $mode == 'newtopic' || ( $mode == 'editpost' && $post_data['first_post'] ) ) && $is_auth['auth_pollcreate'] )
		'L_ADD_A_POLL' => $lang['Add_poll'],  
		'L_ADD_POLL_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Add_poll_explain'],   
		'L_POLL_QUESTION' => $lang['Poll_question'],   
		'L_POLL_OPTION' => $lang['Poll_option'],  
		'L_ADD_OPTION' => $lang['Add_option'],
		'L_UPDATE_OPTION' => $lang['Update'],
		'L_DELETE_OPTION' => $lang['Delete'], 
		'L_POLL_LENGTH' => $lang['Poll_for'],  
		'L_DAYS' => $lang['Days'], 
		'L_POLL_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Poll_for_explain'], 
		'L_POLL_DELETE' => $lang['Delete_poll'],
		'POLL_TITLE' => $poll_title,
		'POLL_LENGTH' => $poll_length)

	if( $mode == 'editpost' && $post_data['edit_poll'] )
		$template->assign_block_vars('switch_poll_delete_toggle', array());

	if( !empty($poll_options) )
		while( list($option_id, $option_text) = each($poll_options) )
			$template->assign_block_vars('poll_option_rows', array(
				'POLL_OPTION' => str_replace('"', '"', $option_text), 

				'S_POLL_OPTION_NUM' => $option_id)

	$template->assign_var_from_handle('POLLBOX', 'pollbody');

// Topic review
if( $mode == 'reply' )
	require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/topic_review.'.$phpEx);
	topic_review($topic_id, true);

	$template->assign_block_vars('switch_inline_mode', array());
	$template->assign_var_from_handle('TOPIC_REVIEW_BOX', 'reviewbody');


include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx);

hoop dat je hier misschien die code uitkan halen ?
(zelf kan ik dat niet, omdat ik er niet zo veel van snap !)
suc 6 ;)

Berichten: 1361
Lid geworden op: 21 dec 2002, 23:08

Bericht door Spikey » 08 dec 2002, 17:21

Zoek in posting.php

Code: Selecteer alles

$quote_username = ( !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : $post_info['username'];
			$message = '[quote="' . $quote_username . '"]' . $message . '[/quote]';

			if ( !empty($orig_word) )
				$subject = ( !empty($subject) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $subject) : '';
				$message = ( !empty($message) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $message) : '';

			if ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $subject) && strlen($subject) > 0 )
				$subject = 'Re: ' . $subject;

			$mode = 'reply';
			$username = ( $post_info['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS && !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : '';
en vervang dit door

Code: Selecteer alles

      //QUOTE MOD 
         //$quote_username = ( !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : $post_info['username']; 
         //$message = '[quote="' . $quote_username . '"]' . $message . '[/quote]'; 

      $quote_username = ( !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : $post_info['username']; 
        $message = preg_replace('/(\[quote=(.*?)\]((.|\n)*)\[\/quote\])/si',"",$message); 
      $message = '[quote="' . $quote_username . '"]' . $message . '[/quote]'; 

         if ( !empty($orig_word) ) 
            $subject = ( !empty($subject) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $subject) : ''; 
            $message = ( !empty($message) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replace_word, $message) : ''; 

         if ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $subject) && strlen($subject) > 0 ) 
            $subject = 'Re: ' . $subject; 

         $mode = 'reply'; 
         $username = ( $post_info['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS && !empty($post_info['post_username']) ) ? $post_info['post_username'] : ''; 

Bij mij werkt het, net getest. :D
gr. Spikey

Geen support via pb, email, msn, uw vragen worden niet beantwoord !

Berichten: 551
Lid geworden op: 17 nov 2002, 22:30
Locatie: Nieuw Vennep

Bericht door .::Neo::. » 08 dec 2002, 17:30

Werkt op mijn test server ook oed, dus dat zal hem wel moeten zijn.

Berichten: 60
Lid geworden op: 07 dec 2002, 19:54

Bericht door supermario » 08 dec 2002, 19:28

jups.... thanks...

dit werkt ! 8)

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 27 mar 2003, 10:13
Locatie: Zutphen

Bericht door WebmasterX » 24 dec 2002, 23:23

Dit is opzich een leuke mod alleen vergeet je een ding. Hoe zit het met multi quotes ??

zoals dit:
WebmasterX schreef:quote1
tekst onder quote1
WebmasterX schreef:quote2
tekst onder quote2

Als je nu dus een quote geeft op mijn bericht dan hou je dus alleen "tekst onder quote2" over en niet "tekst onder quote1" en "tekst onder quote2". Is hier een oplossing voor? Volgens mij niet maar verras me ;-) ik weet wel dat phpBB zelf hiervoor in bbcode.php een extra functie voor geschreven heeft om het erin te bouwen maar niet om het eruit te halen.


Berichten: 1361
Lid geworden op: 21 dec 2002, 23:08

Bericht door Spikey » 24 dec 2002, 23:38

Je wil dus wel alle tekst van voorgaande quotes, maar dan in één box
WebmasterX schreef: Dit schreef Spikey de 1e keer
Dit schreef WebmasterX de 1e keer
Dit schreef Spikey de 2e keer
Dit schreef WebmasterX de 2e keer
Klopt dit ?

Dit zou dan betekenen dat dus alle tekst uit voorgaande berichten steeds gekopieerd wordt en als je dan de laatste post neemt, heb je de gehele thread gelezen.
gr. Spikey

Geen support via pb, email, msn, uw vragen worden niet beantwoord !

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 27 mar 2003, 10:13
Locatie: Zutphen

Bericht door WebmasterX » 24 dec 2002, 23:43

Nee dat is gewoon quoten zoals het normaal gaat. In de huidige situatie zou hij alleen het laatste gedeelte meenemen en dus niet alle nieuwe tekst zonder de quotes.


Berichten: 1361
Lid geworden op: 21 dec 2002, 23:08

Bericht door Spikey » 24 dec 2002, 23:48

Het duurt soms ff voordat het kwartje valt :lol:
tekst onder quote 1
tekst onder quote 2
tekst onder quote 3
tekst on....
Is dit wat je bedoelt....

Geef anders een voorbeeld
gr. Spikey

Geen support via pb, email, msn, uw vragen worden niet beantwoord !

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 27 mar 2003, 10:13
Locatie: Zutphen

Bericht door WebmasterX » 24 dec 2002, 23:50

Spikey schreef:Het duurt soms ff voordat het kwartje valt :lol:
tekst onder quote 1
tekst onder quote 2
tekst onder quote 3
tekst on....
Is dit wat je bedoelt....

Geef anders een voorbeeld


Berichten: 1361
Lid geworden op: 21 dec 2002, 23:08

Bericht door Spikey » 25 dec 2002, 00:01

Wat heeft dit voor zin, als er in een thread meerdere posts staan zonder quotes.

Dan krijg je toch zoiets:
tekst onder quote 1
tekst tweede post niet zichtbaar
tekst onder quote 2
tekst derde post niet zichtbaar
tekst onder quote 3
tekst on....

Aan het eind van de rit heb je alleen maar flarden van de gehele thread.
gr. Spikey

Geen support via pb, email, msn, uw vragen worden niet beantwoord !

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 27 mar 2003, 10:13
Locatie: Zutphen

Bericht door WebmasterX » 25 dec 2002, 01:08

WebmasterX schreef:
WebmasterX schreef:quote1
tekst onder quote1
WebmasterX schreef:quote2
tekst onder quote2
Nee ik zou het dan zo willen zien, maar dat gaat dan dus niet omdat hij dan alleen "tekst onder quote2" laat zien.


Berichten: 60
Lid geworden op: 07 dec 2002, 19:54

Bericht door supermario » 25 dec 2002, 02:51

tis toch juist de bedoeling om van die irritante dubbele quotes af te komen ????

en nu gaan jullie zeggen.... dat er juist meerdere te zien moeten zijn ????

bij mij istie iig perfect opgelost !!!!! :D :D :D

wat de rest wil :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 27 mar 2003, 10:13
Locatie: Zutphen

Bericht door WebmasterX » 25 dec 2002, 03:32

supermario schreef:tis toch juist de bedoeling om van die irritante dubbele quotes af te komen ????

en nu gaan jullie zeggen.... dat er juist meerdere te zien moeten zijn ????

bij mij istie iig perfect opgelost !!!!! :D :D :D

wat de rest wil :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Ja ben ik ook met je eens maar dat bedoel ik hier niet. Soms worden er berichten geplaatst met meerdere afzonderlijke quotes dus niet nested maar eerst een quote dan een reactie op die quote en vervolgens weer een quote met daar weer een reactie op. Wil je dus reageren op de reactie's en je drukt dan op quote dan zul je alleen de laatste reactie van dat bericht te zien krijgen en niet de rest.

Het klinkt allemaal heel verwarrend ik weet he ;-)


Berichten: 60
Lid geworden op: 07 dec 2002, 19:54

Bericht door supermario » 25 dec 2002, 09:25


dat bedoel je ! :idea:

ik snap hem.... :D:D:D:D:D

tsja... das minder irri dan elke keer dubbele quote's... dussuh.... ;)
i've made my choice ;)
